
Apr 27, 2011

Daniel KAPOK jadi Harry...

yaaahh, setelah main di 8 filmnya Potter, mungkin aja doi jenuh yaaa.. kaciann, hehehe.. sepertinya bayangan orang² ttg Daniel selalu bertolak ke HARRY POTTER terus yah, jadinya dia susah sendiri deh tuh..=))

Kalian pada tau kan kabar kalo J.K. Rowling, penulis Harry Potter, lagi nulis buku baru tuh... Nah, gara² kbr ini Daniel Radcliffe sempet ketakutan loh, doi sampe kirim sms ke Rowling unt tanyain hal itu..

Rowling bilang, kalau dia nggak bakalan ngelanjutin cerita ttg Potterlagi, tapi cerita yang baru dan lain.. Woowww, kabar asyik nih.. =)

Berikut sekilas kata²
Daniel Radcliffe:
"I was worried! I texted her. I said, 'Look, is this true? Are you writing another book?'
"She wrote back that she was so pleased with my performance in Harry Potter 7: Part 1 that, as a reward, she promised to never write another book about Harry."
"In a few months, I’ll have to flip the switch and get back into Potter mode for a few days (to promote the final film), but right now there isn’t time to be nostalgic about it."


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